Thursday, June 09, 2011

Lucky Day

Yeah lucky day indeed. Was sending Momo home as usual and parked at the handicap lot. After talking for a while, we heard a loud bang and then another. When I went out to take a look, I found a weird looking two-wheeled thingy on the ground just next to my father's car. "Holy crap, did that thing just hit my car?" I looked up and saw a few heads popping out from the top floor, 12th storey, looking down. Then I thought "of all people, why those 3 guys from the top-most floor will look down?" Could they be the culprits?

Then Momo came out of the car and told me to call the police. Ok what an exciting night. I made my first police report ever. And then few minutes later, a pair of male and female police officers came and took our statements. They took some pictures of my father's car and the object. And they told me they might contact me if they need further details and gave me a "Singapore Police Force Case Card" for the report number and contact details of the Investigation Officer in-charge.

Holy cow, what a night.

Could have been killed by that thing.

The "killer object".

Never park there again lol.

The black marks suspected to be due to the thing dropped from above.