Monday, April 07, 2008

Back From Redang Island!

Actually was back yesterday, but was too tired to post an update. It sure was an exciting, adventurous and most of all, an enjoyable and unforgettable trip to the famous Redang Island. Was busy uploading the pictures from my SD card and Peiyi's CF card onto my PC and sending pictures to Siying. It's 11 plus now. Don't think I have time to update on all the happenings for this awesome trip. Shall see how it goes. And now for updates for last week...

2nd April 2008, Wednesday

Just like everyday at work, we would open up the day's 我报 and look at the horoscope for everyone. Mine happened to tell me "本月是一个破财月,身边的红白事很多,而且还有许多工作应酬,让你不得不花钱。" I didn't really think too much about it, until later at night... I was preparing for my trip to Redang by packing my bag etc. The last item on my list was of course, the most important item, my passport. My passport was stored "safely" into a small electronic safe. Somehow perhaps I entered the wrong combination of buttons, resulting in the safe gone haywired. Father even tried to break the code by pressing some buttons in some sequence. However it was evident that the safe was beyond repair, since ANY button pressed gave an "Error" message on the electronic panel. I was going nuts....How to go Redang on the next day!?!?

3rd April 2008, Thursday

Eventually I woke up early the next day and messaged my teammates back in office that I will be late for work for a while to settle some stuff. And therefore I got the Chubb guy, the guy from the company responsible for that piece of metallic trash at home, to come down to our home to open up the safe. He took some measurements on the safe, and drilled one hole big enough to slot a long metal nail into it and then hammered the catch until the door opened up. Seemed like a piece of cake. And I had to fork out $180 for that piece of cake. Bummer... Looks like the horoscope came true after all... WTF! Back at work, the day's 我报 was way better. It read "虽然本月财运不佳,但是恋爱运很旺,相较之前的烂桃花,现在是认真找对象的时候。" Woohoo! If it's really true, then my $180 won't go to waste after all. Wahahha!

After work, I rushed back home as fast as I could. BUT 天不做美! It rained Garfields and Scooby-Doos. My bus was stuck for so long before it reached Buona Vista MRT station. And I reached Tampines at 8:15pm. Went straight to the spectacles shop to get the my new transition lens specs which was ordered the day before. Very efficient! Then I went to buy some last minute items from the provisions shop and then rushed back home. Took about 15 mins to bathe, change and then rushed down to grab a cab. Then went to pick up Peiyi and Peyyong. Somehow the taxi driver seemed very annoyed by our stunts. Firstly I took the 打抱-ed food onto the cab and started eating on it. The uncle was quite angry with my stunt, saying the smell of my food will stink up the whole cab and the next customer may think he didn't take care of his cab blah blah blah. DiaozZzz... Bobianz I'm in a rush for time. I told him to wind down the windows, and he did. Then when I was reaching Peiyi's home, I told the uncle to turn left a bit too late, and he complained that I should have told him earlier blah blah blah. Then while waiting for Peiyi, he said if she's gonna take too long, I should get down and get another cab. Walauzzz Anyway Peiyi came down after 5 mins after we reached. The uncle was getting impatient. He said we were like booking his cab already by making him wait so long. However as soon as Peiyi got onto the cab, he kept quiet already. So we went on to pick up Peyyong, and then headed for Golden Mile. What a lousy cab-driver. Should have stinked up his cab for good.

Ok it's getting late, and I shall continue the story of our Redang trip in my next post(s). That's all for now!