Friday, April 11, 2008

Song 2

Seeing that I may not be around tomorrow night, I shall throw in Song no. 2 now. It's the 11th already! So here it is... (Anyway "Song 2" is the title of a song by Blur, an English rock band.)

Song No. 2: Once In A LifetimeArtiste: Gregorian
Album: Sadisfaction

Released: 1991

Fun facts: I don't really remember when I got to know of this song. Probably some time in Primary 5 or 6. I remember going to a disco at SAFRA with Weili, my primary school classmate, and the DJ was playing the song. I love this infectious hit so much that I listen to it every now and then since I owned the CD compilation "The Best 90's Party Album" containing the song. And I even wowed myself just now by watching the MTV for the first time! Too bad it's not the full version, but the beautiful chorus is still going through my mind now after hearing it once again. Look for the full version on YouTube! It's definitely one of my top 10 favourite songs of all time. 10 stars out of 5 stars.