Saturday, May 07, 2011

It's Voting Day!

Went to the Workers' Party with Alex after work yesterday. Almost didn't wanna go. But then felt like it's once in a 5-years' time thingy. And WP's influence on Singaporeans is so strong now that we die die must go and join in the last rally for this GE. We took the NEL to Serangoon and even dabao-ed KFC to eat along the way to the stadium. It is said that there were around 30,000 people who attended the rally at Serangoon Stadium. When can you ever find such a humongous congregation of people except during NDP or IT shows?

We stood there from 9pm all the way to 10:30pm, with Mr Low Thia Kiang ending the rally. It almost felt like everyone was united, shouting "Workers' Party" repeatedly. Even little kids were shouting too lol.

Wait till I upload some pix and videos of the rally. Stay tuned!