Thursday, March 27, 2014

Keys Collected!

Finally, the time has come. Everyone else has been posting on the FB group about their collection of keys. And every single day we wait for the status of our collection of keys to change on the HDB page. We finally got our turn and we went down to HDB Hub to do all the necessary paperwork and sadly, start paying for bills on the very same day. The whole process took about 2 hours or so, including paying for fire insurance, opening the account with Citygas and collecting of keys.

Our keys come with a key pouch as well! So awesome!

And as soon as we reached home, we couldn't contain our eagerness to check out our new home. Therefore we went over with Dear's Mum, who wanted to HUAT our home and therefore threw rice all over the floor of our home, and even asked me to roll a pineapple into the living room area lol.

Can't wait to decorate our house to make it cosy and comfy!

We tested the water taps worked and opened all windows for a preliminary check. The actual checking process shall be done on the coming Saturday. We have to report all defects to HDB within a week. And it seems that defects are very common, as seen from the complaints of those who have collected their keys on the FB group page. Our very first defect was already detected way before the collection of our keys. Our doorbell button does not have a doorbell symbol! Everyone else has the symbol! And worse still, Dear discovered that a small metal part of the main gate seems to have come off. Looks like we will have tons to report to HDB. (-_-)...

Ours on the left vs a non-defective one on the right

We spent almost an hour checking out our new home, before finally leaving. Gonna be a huge task of taking down all the defects of our new home and make sure HDB rectifies them this Saturday!