Tuesday, June 01, 2010

10 Days to World Cup!

Woohoo! Can't wait!

And anyway I've just turned 29 few days ago T_T....old man! As a common practice, the office people celebrated my birthday for me with a nice chocolate cheesecake on the eve of my birthday.

27th May 2010, Thursday, birthday

I took one day's leave to slack at home on my actual birthday. Then of all places Mummy suggested eating at Sakura @ Tampines Safra for dinner. Aiyoo... not really the best buffet around.

28th May 2010, Friday, Vesak Day

Went to Ubin with Peiyi, Jiajun and his gf, Xingyu, Clifton and Jacenta. Clif drove us and our bikes to Changi Village, saving us the trouble of cycling there. We had breakfast before setting off for Ubin. It's $2.50 per person and $2 per bike. Woohoo cycling in Ubin is always shiok.

The oil spill has affected the Chek Jawa area. Sux man! Destroying our nature! All some stupid tanker's fault. After the cycling, we went back to Changi Village for nasi lemak. ShiokzZz! I ordered extra chicken wing some more hahaha.
I went home to wash up and then went out again. Weiqiang and Peiyi picked me up to go to Thomson Medical Centre to visit Huimin and her newborn Adele Tan! So CUTE! Looks so much like Huimin. Albert was holding Adele in his arms, like a loving father would. See here for the pix.

Then I went off to meet Edwin and gang. Finally managed to grab hold of Edwin. He's so busy with work and everything else that we could hardly meet him for dinner. This time he also had to go to work. But he met WK, KW and me for dinner at some Japanese restaurant near his workplace, then we went to Ooster, a pub nearby, for some drinks. After the drinking session, Edwin went back to his office while WK suggested we go to the Marina Bay Sands link bridge to take a look.

We walk all the way from China Square to the link bridge and then to Marina Bay Sands. KW brought us to this spot where we could see the whole of the casino. Woohoo nice view. Too bad there were so many security cameras all around us that we could not take out our phones to take a pic ahhaha. Seems like the "secret" passage is still not closed yet. Only a single path leads to that area to view the whole of the casino. Cool man. But not as if I've not seen the best casinos in Macau already. Marina Bay Sands is just small fry lol.
29th May 2010, Saturday

Went to the Singapore Expo for the License2Play gaming expo and food fair. Asked Kong Hooi and Chin Keat to go. I also met up with Hong Ming and Naizhu. I decided to drive there cos felt lazy to take bus and switch trains. In the end I got stuck in the stupid jam for 1.5 hours! I swear I'll NEVER drive to Expo on weekends again! Worst still was after I got into the carpark, while waiting for a car to drive out of the parking lot, another female driver drove all the way behind my car and blocked my way to that parking lot. Once that car drove off, she immediately reversed in to occupy that empty slot. Awesome! Any blind fool would have noticed my car waiting for that slot. I immediately got off my car and went to ask her "Hello! Din you see me waiting there for the slot?" She gave me loads of rubbish and told me that she's the organizer of the expos. Why the f*ck would I care about who she is? I said "Oh so it's like that huh? Never mind!" and turned back to find other lots. She shouted "You can go complain if you want!" I was noting down her license plate number on my phone, actually just to buy 4D later ahhaha. But then after I found a lot quite soon after that, I proceeded back to that lot to take a picture of the car and the parking lot. That lady who had walked off to a distance was so kanchiong I suppose and quickly turned back to approach me and told me "I took your picture and blah blah blah" I din remember what she said but almost as if was threatening me. I think she felt kanchiong and then said she can give me a complimentary ticket to the expos. I was thinking in my head "WTF? Now scared I will go complain then trying to please me with a ticket? KNS!" Then she also offered me her namecard. I thought again "Why the hell would I want your namecard for? Date you out ah?" From her looks I think she's at most late 20s, but dun qualify for my definition of pretty. Duh! She gave me plenty of crap reasons for her taking my slot. And after I asked her one simple question "did you think what you did was right?" She did not give a "yes" but continued arguing her way through. In the end she apologized and even extended out her hand and I said "Ok you've apologized, so I'm ok already" and proceeded to give her a handshake. Haiz why got such people? I already waited 1.5 hours and now gimme such crap. If I wasn't so frustrated over the jamming, I would have just drove off without getting out of my car to confront her.

Enough of such nonsense lol. I went to the License2Play event and met up with NZ and HM. CK and KH went home already by the time I finished parking my car and going through all that ordeal. Walau further disappointment. The event was so small. Nothing much to see really. In the end the food fair was more entertaining. I even bought loads of food back. ZZzzz... What a day.

Later at night, I went over to Charles' home in Hougang for the second time. This time we were there for Guitar Hero and poker. Woohoo! Guitar Hero is so fun sia. But then not too many songs to play with. Aaron and gf, Justina and Eileen were also there. So the 6 of us played GH and then poker until 3. The cheaters A, C and E were the last 3 winners while the rest of us lost money T_T... Cheat us beginners, but never mind! Next time win their socks off lol.