Wednesday, December 23, 2009

And Rudolph Came Early... the form of me and my red nose. Been sick since the weekend. SianzZZzzZZzz... What a way to usher in the Christmas season... Haven't been so sick for quite a while. Wonder who passed the virus to me. But then again the weather has been rather weird. Sometimes blazing hot, then suddenly stormy weather, then stop raining, then downpour again. WTH...

16th December 2009, Wednesday

It's another one of those impromptu drinking sessions with the guys of Blk 22. We went to Timbre and it's been rather a long time since we met up for drinking. Charles, JJ, Jason, Adrian, Wilson and I then had a few drinks, and grilled Jason for the truth about the recent happenings. Conclusion is: Jason is an @sshole. LOL... But oh well... Perhaps it was all for their own good that things turned out this way. So we then finished up our drinks and said goodbye....

17th December 2009, Thursday

I had this sudden urge to take half a day to play bowling, and also a good chance to watch Avatar since it opens on that day. So I planned this bowling outing with Ron, who was on leave for quite a while. Oh before that I went to the Fila sale with Eileen and Justina during lunch and I got myself a waistpouch. It's been years since I last got a pouch for myself lol. Then I rushed down to Bugis Junction to meet Ron. He initially suggested playing a few rounds of L4D but since I don't really enjoy FPS, we walked down to Marina Square to play pool and bowling instead. We played almost 2 hours of pool before we finally got a lane to play. Ended up playing 4 games each. Woot I got a highscore of 180 this time round. Last time at Hougang Superbowl was 196. When can I beat my personal high of 203? Then Zhangjing joined us for dinner and then it was 161 mins of Avatar! I didn't really watch the trailer before but after reading reviews from GV's website, and thinking that it should be a really good movie cos of James Cameron, I went ahead to watch it anyway. Initially I thought it was a purely animated movie, but it actually has real actors and actresses in it. Only one word to describe the movie - AWESOME! I may want to watch it again in 3D. Should be damn worth it. As we finished the movie, it was time to dash for the MRT, cos the last time for Ron and ZJ was less than 10 mins away. And we were at MS! So we made a mad dash for City Hall. ZJ was panting like mad halfway through lol. ZJ needs more RT! In the end we all made it for our trains phew.

19th December 2009, Saturday

Alan jioed a GIP gathering at City Square Mall. Those who turned up were ZH, HS, KW, NZ, Alan and me. They had lunch first while I joined them after that. We then walked around Singapore's first Eco-Mall. Got some free LED candles from a shop. Then we went for ice-cream at Swensen's.
Then all left except NZ, so we both wandered around Little India, with me snapping pix here and there. And I finally ventured into the flea market just behind Sim Lim Square. Everytime I take bus 23 and move past that flea market, I always see tonnes of people there. Always wanted to take a look for myself what kinda good stuff there could be. I finally found a chance to go there. It was really interesting to see so many people place all their stuff there to be sold. From old CDs, DVDs, games, electronics, souvenirs, handphones, whatever you can think of, are sold there. I even found a similar doll that we see on top of the box near Expo everytime we go for lunch! So eerie! Like it followed me or something O_o!!!
NZ then brought me to try some Bak Kut Teh near Bugis. Quite good but damn ex! $6 each. But ok lah when I asked for extra soup, they gave it to me free. Hmm... We then walked around Bugis Junction, Iluma and I continued my shooting spree. I even wanted to check my Japanese Advanced I results back at JCS but the whole place was locked and closed. Can't have the experience of checking my results like what we see on the Japanese schools lol. Then NZ left while I hung around until it was time to meet up Eil, Cha, Jus, Ron at Settler's Cafe at SMU. I didn't know there was a SC at SMU until they told me. We played TransAmerica, and some game which tests reaction speed by doing some handsigns. Forgot the name of the game. We then ended the night with Balderdash, another silly game, but you actually have to kill some brain cells to play it well, contrary to what they claim - a brainless game.

20th December 2009, Sunday

Wow my weekends are so tiring. Had to help out as a volunteer photographer for Peiyi's company's Volunteer Appreciation Day 2009. Yes it's Shan You's VAD2009, held at Geylang West CC. Was to take pix of the whole event from 3pm to around 8pm. Actually it was quite fun but I wasn't feeling very good already since Saturday, so the shoot was kinda taxing. Still it was kinda interesting to know that there are so many volunteers out there willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. Saw people of all ages at the VAD. Got some very cute young girls too. But I shall not post their pix here lol. At the end there was a lucky draw, in which the very first name being called was mine. Wahahha! Prize number 10. Am I lucky or what? Or is this really 善有善报? I didn't really think I would win anything, just wanted to help out only lol. They also gave us a goodie bag each. Walau ended up bringing lotsa stuff back home, inclusive of my bag of DSLR.
Saw this mother or father cat with his/her litter of kittens curled into a mass of fur when I was on my way to Geylang West CC. So cute lah...they kept staring at me and ready to flee as if I was some enemy lol.
Peiyi interviews one of the volunteers.
The volunteers got down to work to design some posters.

21st December 2009, Monday

Holy shyt was feeling sick the whole day. Wanted to take MC but many people are on leave, and got lotsa things to clear in office, therefore didn't. Evening time, I rushed off to M Hotel, where Ken and Angie's wedding were held. It's the 2nd Blk 22 wedding I've been to. I was one of the last few to reach, with all the other 10+ over Blk22/Hall4 guys there. Yeah all guys, except Charlene, who went with Ah Liang. Saw Nana there, who happened to be one of Angie's Sisters. Saw Terry Tan from FDS too, who is related to Ken somehow. And this must be the most interesting wedding dinner I've been to, cos Ken and Angie both prepared a surprise for each other. Ken got someone to do a short animation about how they got together and how he proposed to Angie. It was so touching and fun. Angie on the other hand also prepared something for Ken, by singing on stage with the song "Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion. What a loving couple. And they're just 25 years old this year but got married already, while the rest of us seniors are either still unattached or still no money to get married lol.